Site Selection & Housing

Strong Vendor Relationships

During our almost 20-year history, we have developed relationships with hotels all over the world. These relationships allow us to lessen liability and reach cost-effective solutions in securing room blocks.


We will also negotiate into the hotel agreement “pre- and post-rates” to ensure guests secure the negotiated room rate three days before and three days after the program.

Minimizing Risk

Another part of our provisions is to negotiate a “no-walk” clause, as well as to amend the hotel cut-off date and attrition clause. Many hotels require at least a four-week cut-off date, and we have been successful at pushing that to three weeks or less.


Additionally, instead of the customary 85-90% attrition percentage, we often secure an 80% drop-off rate. Because of our experience and relationships, we know that consistent and constant communication with the hotel is key.